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How to Become a Computer-Savvy Senior

Updated: May 25, 2023

For years now, the internet and gadgets have only been promoted to young people, so, naturally, many seniors feel a little fearful to dive into new technology. However, computers and other electronics are a great way to see the world, do business, stay in touch and meet new people—it’s not something only reserved for gaming and fun. If you’ve finally decided to enter the 21st century and learn more about computers, here are a few things you need to know and overcome:

Get over your fears

Don’t let the fear keep you from enjoying your life. Exploring the world of electronics might be scary, but with time, you will get better at all it. You might not be fluent in computer languages, but you will quickly acquire a ton of knowledge.

Ask for help

Most young people are knowledgeable in computer technology and more than willing to provide quick help and even give you classes for a small fee. Ask your child or grandchild to teach you a few things—it’s a great bonding experience that will provide mutual benefits. Or you can ask around in your local library or senior organization about senior computer classes.

Switch to touchscreens

According to research, it’s easier for seniors to understand technology if it’s touchscreen. So if you have a traditional computer, you might consider switching to a tablet.

Rely on Google

If you don’t have anyone to help you with computer learning, but you already have the basic knowledge of the internet and browsing, rely on Google for all your questions. For instance, if you want to know more about using Word, just Google “Microsoft Word for beginners” and you’ll get a ton of detailed instructions on every part of the program.

Get a good internet connection

Having a stable and reliable internet connection will allow you to enjoy a lot of freedom with your gadgets. One of the best things you can do is invest in an internet adsl connection that not only provides you with incredibly fast internet access but also gives you online storage space for all your precious memories and discount rates on mobile and international calls if you still prefer “real” communication. Also, paying bills like this one is easy to do online, so you don’t have to worry. With a stable connection, you will get to look at and download everything you want to enjoy and prevent a lot of stress.

Play with settings

If the main reason why you don’t use technology is that you can’t see or hear properly, just know that you can play with the setting and enlarge your letters or boost sounds.

Be responsible with your passwords

Being forgetful when you’re older is completely normal, so it’s best to have a backup plan when it comes to your passwords. Have a notepad where you will keep all your old and new passwords so you can use your favorite websites without any worry. When creating a password, choose a unique one that only you will know, and don’t send password information by email or social media. In time, you will learn to recognize safe websites and avoid any sort of internet security breaches.

Stay protected

Most devices today come with antivirus software already installed, but if you don’t have it, download it as soon as possible. Even free versions are great at protecting from hackers and viruses. You might need to update them occasionally, but that’s it—they do all the work in the background while adding security to your every internet visit.

Don’t overshare

The internet is a great place for communication, but be careful who you give your information. Your social security number, credit card number, phone number and address shouldn’t be shared with strangers online. Additionally, when posting on social media, be mindful and respectable and ask for people’s permission before you post something that concerns them.

Learn about online etiquette

Learning how to use social media should be at the top of your list of priorities because it’s so much fun. However, there are a few unspoken rules that users follow. Be extra careful with emojis since many of them have certain meanings that are not always appropriate.

Computers are not the boogieman. They are very useful to your everyday life and so much fun, so make sure to get over your fear and dive into the wonderful world of technology. You will become a local of that world in no time!

This guest post was graciously provided by Diana Smith. Diana is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in alternative medicine and latest DIY projects. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

Guest Post Credits:

Author: Diana Smith

Editor: Eileen Williams

Reprint permissions by Geezer Bill


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