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Updated: May 25, 2023

I learned to play Chess when I was about 12 years old.

My brothers and I used to play for fun. Never for competitions or in public. Playing cards and board games was a common practice in our family, like any other.

We didn’t have computers like now-a-days, and no TV.

I was considered an amateur and a beginner but I used to beat my brothers most of the time.

When I was in the army, we were assigned to a settlement on the borders of Jordan. We were a group of 45 soldiers, boys & girls combined.

On one occasion we had a Chess match.

The organizers brought in a famous chess player from a nearby city by the name of James (for the purpose of this story – not his real name).

They set up tables in the commissary and everyone was invited to participate or to watch the games.

Of course I was one of the spectators.

In one game the guy, named Jacob, was losing and I made a comment.

He turned around and asked me “what would be your next move if you were in my situation?”

I replied and James smiled and said to Jacob “you see, you should have listened to her”.

When the game finished, James turned and invited me to play a game.

I refused, because I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. After all, I was an amateur and he was a professional player.

“C’mon, Sarah it is just for fun” said James, and everyone joined in agreement with him.

After much encouragement from everyone around I agreed.

I won with a big Check-Mate a half hour into the game.

James was pissed! No woman had ever beat him before. He requested another match and I refused, with a smile. I just wanted to keep the sweet moment for the rest of my life.

For the next two years he tried to convince me to play and every time I refused.

Later on, I taught my son to play and I still play now online, for fun.

That’s all folks!

Story by Sarah Chavez

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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