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David’s Return to God Story

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

True happiness lies in the ability to recognize darkness in the world and push past it into the light.

Not to brag or anything, but I think I’ve achieved the Ultimate life!

I've found the best of all life's achievements! A life of pure joy & happiness. Free from the physical and mental bondage that this world seems to find a way of encompassing us with.

It hasn’t always been this way however. Let me explain…

I remember growing up with very religious parents. I went to church every Sunday. Not because I felt a sense of religious duty, but simply because that’s what we did on Sunday. And it certainly didn’t hurt that my friends were there. But church was mostly just a social event for me. I never really paid attention to the messages that were being taught. God was in my life, but I wasn’t participating in his realm.

As I grew older and was on my own, religion just wasn’t in the cards for me. I was captivated by the thrills of “fun times” that were being pushed to society. The media has a way of twisting everything into a glamorous fictional world that distracts us from reality. From what’s truly important and can bring real happiness. On the same note, those who are caught up in this snare can have a magnetic effect in pulling everyone around them into the same trap. It took me YEARS to realize this was the Devil’s handiwork. And I was obliviously riding in his chariot along with all those who didn’t see the big picture. That list of freedom riders is growing at an unprecedented rate as Satan continues to gain a major foothold on the world.

Back to my story. Without realizing it, I was little-by-little being drawn into a false concept of happiness. Replacing lasting joy with temporary bursts of “fun times”. This wasn’t a conscious decision. I simply didn’t know any better. I wasn’t in tune with anything that represented the path to ultimate joy. In fact, just the opposite. I had become surrounded by all things to the contrary.

As I continued down this slippery slope, for many years I might add, I began to realize there were many aspects of my life that were not conducive to my happiness or wellbeing. There were things about ME that I didn’t like. There were things I was caught up in that could ultimately destroy or even end my life.

I eventually came to a point where I needed to make a decision. I could either make a U-turn to reverse my current self-destructive way of life, or I could continue having my “fun times” and possibly end up dead within a short time.

You’d think this would be a no-brainer! An easy decision. But it was one of the hardest, if not THE hardest decisions I have ever had to make. I feel like one of the few lucky people in the world who was able to recognize this. Most are in a trance and have no clue they are headed for doom.

I finally mustered up the courage, and made the decision to change my life. This was a monumental decision that began with disassociating myself with the crowd I was involved with.

I literally stopped EVERYTHING I was doing - cold turkey! Another “feeling lucky” event. Most people struggle desperately when trying to end bad habits that have gained control over them, physically, mentally and emotionally.

My next steps involved changing the things about me that I didn’t like. I needed to become a better person. As I continued to make these positive changes in my life, I began noticing how good I felt, about me, about others, about LIFE! It was a whole new world, and I was loving it! For the first time in my life I was genuinely feeling good about my world, not just having some fun times.

It dawned on me one day that I was incorporating into my life the things that were taught in church when I was young. I guess I retained some that after all - somewhere in the corners of my little brain. That’s when I decided to do some investigating. It was time to see if religion was, in actuality, in the cards for me.

We’ll it didn’t take long, now that I was paying attention, to discover how everything connects when you want to see it. God has always been there, He was just waiting for me to recognize His presence and reach out to Him. Now that He’s part of my life, I’ve witnessed His outpouring of blessings and the utter joy and happiness that has come with it. Knowing the tender mercies of Jesus, and the sacrifices he made on our behalf, has taught me to do all I can to follow his example.

It’s interesting how life has its twists & turns, and we all just hope to end up in a better place. I believe happiness is the end game and I think most people want to get there, but don’t know where it is. If they only knew that it’s right in front of them. All they have to do is turn on the light & look past the darkness. When they clear away the dark side, and are able to see and walk toward the path of light, then they can begin to reap the fruits of happiness.

I have a great respect for everyone who has a religious belief. It doesn’t matter where that belief stems from. Christianity is the good side and will always bring light and happiness. If you know of anyone who is desperately seeking for happiness in their life, you are welcome to share my story in hopes that it will help them understand where true happiness can be found.

My return to God in this life has allowed me the opportunity to return to God in the next - The greatest happiness of all!

Story by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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