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Gullwings & Ghosts

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Back in 2000 I was working for an outfit that build replicas for the famous Gullwing vehicle (Mercedes B.). We got involved in a lawsuit, and as a bookkeeper I was a one of the major players.

I had to fly to Spokane for some research and stayed about two weeks.

They booked me a room in a famous local hotel.

My room was on the 11th floor.

One night while watching TV, at about midnight, the lights off and on and the TV turns off and on. I didn’t think anything of it and went to sleep

Two days later in the morning, while getting ready for work, after my shower I’m drying off and I feel like a feather is touching my naked body. On my arms, my cheeks and my back. I brushed it off thinking it was a fly or mosquito, but there was nothing around. So I got dressed and off I went.

The night before my departure

The lights kept going on and off again. It didn’t faze me and I went to sleep. At 3:00 am, I am covered up to my head and I feel like there’s a hand on my butt crawling, trying to remove my blanket. I laid still trying to figure out if it was my imagination or not. But no, the hand was moving to my back.

I jumped out of bed, got dressed as quickly as possible, and went down to the lobby.

I didn’t say anything to anyone because I thought it was all in my mind, being stressed out.

While checking out I asked the receptionist to have someone escort me to the room to take my luggage. I questioned her to see if anyone else had encountered an incidence like mine. She laughed “Oh, You met Mr. Davenport. He is our common guest in your room, going back 100 years”.

Story by Sarah Chavez

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!

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