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Haunted Trick-or-treat

Updated: May 25, 2023

My dad was always a fun loving character.

One Halloween, he decided it would be fun to create a type of mini haunted house experience at our home for the trick-or-treaters

The Preparation

He lined the entrance with black plastic to make a dark hallway from the front door to the kitchen. He covered the entire kitchen with black plastic so it looked kind of like a dark cave. In the center of the kitchen cave, there was a caldron filled with candy.

The Haunt

My dad was dressed in a scary creature costume. He was on the roof, just above the entrance, and would make scary gestures as the kids came to the door.

My sisters and I were dressed in some sort of Halloween costume, I can’t remember what we were wearing. We would escort the kids through the hallway to the kitchen cave for their candy, and back.

My mom was dressed as a witch standing over the caldron in the kitchen cave, pretending to stir the witches brew. She pass out candy to the kids from the cauldron.

It was a huge hit. After a while, there were trick-or-treaters lined up clear down the block just to experience the fun!

Story by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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Oct 27, 2021

Good story David. I am impressed that the Trick or Treaters were lined up down the street for a block.

Cheers Raymond Pierce Toronto

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