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In Touch With The Other Side

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Experience Number 1

When I was 15, after my grandmother passed, I had a dream that she was banging on the coffin and saying “tell your mother I’m still alive”

Experience Number 2

When I was 43 my twin brother was on the brink of death. He lived in a different state. I was supposed to catch an emergency flight down to NC the next morning.

I fell asleep the afternoon before and all of a sudden, as plain as day, I heard my brother’s voice telling me “you can’t come to my realm to see me but I’ll come down from my realm to see you

That night before my flight, in the grocery store, a song came on the loud speaker “My heart will go on”. I KNEW my twin brother was sending me that message. I could barely make it out store for the tears in my eyes.

The next morning, the morning of my flight, I got call that Jay had passed away at 8:38PM the night before. The same time I was in grocery store.

Months after, I had so much guilt over not having made it to his side, I had a dream that I was with Jay as he was turning to ashes (he was cremated) and he said in the dream (Now don’t worry, you are with me and I’ll be waiting for you.

I felt the greatest happiness during that dream. I never felt guilty again.

These are two of many of these types of experiences that I’ve had.

Story by Joy Dubois

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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