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David Quinton

LOVE: Recipe for a HAPPY Life!

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

This recipe is a needed message during this time of disarray in the world.

Did you ever stop to think about how All GOOD things are directly connected to the word “LOVE”, and how All BAD things are completely disconnected from the word “LOVE”?

Pure LOVE is they key ingredient for true HAPPINESS

Follow this the recipe for a Happy Life.


Genuine LOVE for others




Respect for others


Take a FULL helping of “Genuine LOVE for others”

Mix in a large portion of:

  • Kindness

  • Humbleness

  • Helpfulness

  • Respect for others

Anything you are involved with, whether it’s something you are gathering information (incoming) or giving information (outgoing), how does it make you feel? Does it include all the essential LOVE ingredients? Does it give you a warm happy peaceful feeling? If so, it’s connected to LOVE. The more you surround yourself with pure LOVE and all things good, the happier you will find yourself!

Follow the recipe:

Be sure your LOVE ingredients are pure. A hint of any of the following ingredients will taint the recipe and cause HAPPINESS to fail:

  • Hate

  • Anger

  • Cruelty

  • Pride

  • Greed

  • Power

  • Fear

If any of these are present, then disassociate yourself from it. It’s secretly keeping you from enjoying a happy life, and most likely having a derogatory effect on those around you. Cut all negative ties! Break loose from bonds that are secretly keeping you from true HAPPINESS! Replace them with the full ingredients of LOVE.


Make a conscious effort to eliminate everything that is not connected to LOVE from your life. Fill your life with everything that is connected to LOVE, and portray LOVE in everything you do. Once you master this, you’ll find that everything connected to LOVE and HAPPINESS is attracted to you!

After all, LOVE makes the world go round! So, if you are in need of a HAPPINESS recipe, remember:

Pure LOVE is they key ingredient for true HAPPINESS

Keep your LOVE ingredients pure and, before you know it, you will discover you are living a Joyously Happy life!

Recipe by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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1 comentário

18 de out. de 2021

Thank you David good food for thought.

Raymond Pierce Toronto

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