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My Cat's Amazing Compass

Updated: May 25, 2023

Years ago I had a cat named Nancy. I was also with a guy who used to hunt. I would go with him up to North Woods in Maine.

We had a camper on the back of a truck, so he would take us waaay into the woods on roads that were more like cow paths. Miles and miles into the deep woods.

One time when we were grouse hunting, we brought Nancy. One particular morning we went off early to search for grouse. We were gone over 2 hrs. When we got back, we hopped in the truck to go about a half mile away to another spot.

Once we stopped, we went behind to the camper. It’s there that I noticed Nancy was gone😮! She had somehow gotten out through a space in the floor of the camper while we had been gone. We searched for a good half hour walking around the woods.

Well, needless to say, I was FRANTIC!

We went back to the original spot. I told God that if he brought her back to me I’d do anything for him. I was beside myself thinking about how wild animals could have gotten her or that she would be lost in the woods forever.

My boyfriend went out searching and calling her name. After we had been there about 10 minutes, there she came, walking up the path towards us.

I have never been so grateful about anything in my whole life! Animals are so much more intelligent than we humans give them credit for.

Story by Joy Dubois

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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