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My Encounter with the Sheikh

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

When I was 16 I joined the Scouting organization. In Israel it is a mixed group of boys & girls. On holiday vacations we always went hiking in the desert to learn survival skills.

They used to drop us in the middle of nowhere in groups of 4 to 6, with food and maps, and give us an assignment to reach a certain destination.

Anyway, on one trip we ended in a Bedouin camp (These are almost like gypsy camps in the Arab world). As a hospitality gesture they invited us for food and coffee.

At the end of the meal the head of the tribe (Called a Sheikh) went and whispered something to our leader. He smiled, looked at me and whispered back. They were arguing.

Finally the conversation ended and the Sheikh walked away, seeming upset.

On the way to the bus to go home, I asked our leader “What happened, why was he so upset?”

He laughed “He wanted to buy you to be his 5th wife. He offered me 3 horses and 4 goats, and I refused“.

Honestly, true story!

Story by Sarah Chavez

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!

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