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Raymond Pierce’s “A Christmas Haunting!”

Updated: May 25, 2023

During the week leading up to Christmas I was visiting our community at Gerrard House in Toronto where our theology students lived.

I am not usually a morning person. In fact, I am one of those people who take a long time to wake up. But very early on my first morning there, before anyone else was up, I went downstairs for a coffee. I brewed the coffee, selected a mug from a tray full of coffee mugs, filled my mug, added cream and sugar and stirred. I took my first sip.

“AAAHHHH that first taste was so good!”

As I sipped I became aware of a faint sound which seemed to come from some distant place. Once my head began to clear I realized that what I was hearing was the Christmas Carol, Oh Holy Night.

Was the music coming from one of the cupboards?

I opened a few. No, the sound was no louder when I opened them. Still sipping my coffee I strolled into the dining room. The sound was just as distant there as it had been in the kitchenette. This was beginning to intrigue me. Where was the beautiful music coming from?

I assumed I was the only one up at that hour but perhaps someone else was up before me and playing Christmas music. I sipped my coffee and walked to the front door. The music still sounded distant. Was it coming from someone’s bedroom?

I climbed the stairs and stopped at each bedroom door. I heard snoring at some doors but the melody was not any louder. I went to the third floor bedrooms and still the sound seemed to be coming from somewhere in the distance. I returned to the first floor no wiser as to the source of the music.

Puzzled, I went downstairs to the TV room in the basement. The sound was just as distant there. I sipped my coffee and went back upstairs. I racked my sleepy brain trying to figure out the source of this mysterious music. Could the house be haunted?

After I finished my coffee I decided to put the mug into the dishwasher.

As I turned my coffee mug upside down the music stopped! Still confused, I picked up the coffee mug and turned it upright. The music started.

It took my brain a few moments to realize what this meant. I'd been carrying the music with me everywhere I searched! I looked at the picture of the Christmas tree on the side of the mug. Then I looked at the bottom where it said, “Musical Christmas Mug made in China!”

I sighed. At least I now knew that Gerrard House wasn’t haunted.

Raymond Pierce is a Storyteller living in Toronto, Canada

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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