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Raymond Pierce's “Graduating from High School!”

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

On June 22 ND 1996 I graduated from High School I was 52. It was one of the Greatest Moments in my Life

At our Graduation Ceremony we were piped into the Grand Hall at The Caboto Club by a Bagpiper. The CBC TV Evening News cameras were there and took a close up of me receiving my Diploma which was featured on the CBC News later that evening. Was I ever proud.

So how did I arrive at this moment receiving my High School Diploma at 52.

As a kid I found school difficult. I didn’t like school and I had to repeat grade two. In one of my elementary grades I was given a special test with one of the teachers. I’m not sure why I was given the test or what the results were.

By the time I reached grade nine I was having an even more difficult time. My Father took me to see a School Counsellor for an interview and after the interview the Counsellor told my Dad I would be fine. I wasn’t.

Academic studies were not my strength

In 1960 at St Peter’s Intermediate School I was failing my year but in June my wonderful grade nine teacher Mr. MaGillicuddy told me he would pass me anyway so I could qualify to register at Saint John Vocational School for grade ten. The man was a Saint in my books. I am very grateful to him for being so considerate.

I registered at Saint John Vocational School and signed up for a two-year Quantity Cookery Course because I thought it would be easy and I still didn’t like school and I wanted to get this part of my life over with as soon as possible.

Not because I had plans for my future but I just could not see beyond tomorrow.

This two-year course meant I would finish school after Grade Eleven without receiving a High School Diploma. But I didn’t care! I became immersed in my grade ten studies and began learning how to cook.

I found my niche. I LOVED IT!

I excelled in my studies and cooking classes. I was at the top of my class. I won Awards for Excellence two years in a row. I was enjoying school for the first time in my life.

By the time I graduated I had decided what to do with my life.

In August 1962 I joined the Redemptorist Community of Priests and Brothers as a Brother. I went on to take a Chef Training Course at George Brown College in Toronto graduating in 1968 and after that I worked as a Chef in my Community for many years.

Over the years I began to feel embarrassed that I never finished High School. But I was afraid to go back to school because I didn’t think I could handle the studies.

Finally In January of 1995 I found the courage to face my fears and I registered at the Adult Learning Center in Windsor, Ontario.

I enjoyed my three semesters in grades 11, 12, and 13 and passed them all with flying colours. I had fun and I learned how to use a computer which has served me well.

Then began my love of writing stories first for my English classes, and now as a Storyteller and, as they say……….. the rest is History!

Raymond Pierce is a Storyteller living in Toronto, Canada

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!

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