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Raymond Pierce's "Our Little Road Runner"

Updated: May 25, 2023

In 1956 when my siblings and I were youngsters we lived at 19 Cedar Street in Saint John NB. One Christmas evening my four brothers and two sisters and I were playing in the living room.

Mom had recently waxed the living room linoleum so it was really slippery and we were shouting and laughing as we slid on it in our sock feet.

We were having great fun playing a game of seeing who could slide the furthest across the linoleum flooring. We would go back as far as the bedroom door, make a quick dash, start our slide and slide as far as we could possibly go.

In the midst of our noisy fun, dad who was talking on the phone in the next room would periodically shout “You kids quiet down in there!”

We’d quiet down for a bit but we soon forgot and cranked up the volume and uttered new screams of delight.

Eventually dad had enough of what he would describe as pandemonium.

He put the phone receiver down and came into the living room angrily shouting “Quiet down you kids!” We all scattered in the blink of an eye into our bedroom for safety except for Little Joanne, two years old who was not as quick as the rest of us.

When Joanne saw us scatter and dad coming she started running but her little sock feet could not get any traction on the linoleum.

Her feet were going as fast as she could make them go but she was not going anywhere.

I was encouraging her to come to me. She looked just like “The Road Runner” in the cartoons with her feet spinning like a fan.

When dad saw her running on the spot he couldn’t help laughing.

That brought the other kids out of the bedroom to see what dad was laughing about and we started laughing too.

That made him laugh even harder so that he was doubled over and his dentures popped out and he was lucky he was able to catch them before they hit the floor.

Raymond Pierce is a Storyteller living in Toronto, Canada

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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