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Raymond Pierce’s THE DRUG BUST?

Updated: May 25, 2023

I was driving around doing some errands one beautiful cold but sunny winter morning in Saint John NB. On my way home I stopped at Tim Hortons to pick up my drink of choice, Medium Double Double Coffee.

I took my coffee to a lookout spot overlooking Beautiful Lily Lake. There was a small parking area beside the main Pavilion and from there I could see the hills surrounding the lake and watch people skating on the ice.

As I sat there savouring my coffee a car passed behind me and in my rear view mirror I could see the driver and his passenger. A shudder of fear coursed through my veins.

They were really mean looking people. Both had dark beards and faces with chiselled features hard as stone. They looked like they belonged to a Biker Gang. They probably eat nails for breakfast I thought.

Surely they were drug dealers but what were they doing here? Could they be here for a drug drop off?

I watched their car as it went to the narrow end of the lake where there was a small bridge over some culverts that allowed the lake to overflow into a duck pond.

They stopped on the other side of the bridge and pulled over to the left side of the road right beside the entrance to a trail that winds its way around the lake.

Then they both got out of their car. These two were very Big Men.

They looked around to see if anyone was watching them. They moved to the trunk of the car.

The first man slid his right hand into his inside left jacket pocket then the other man did the same. Slowly each one pulled something out. I squinted but could not see what they were reaching for. Oh my God are they guns I thought? Until each one to my relief pulled out a Red Winter Toque!

They put the Toques on their heads and while still looking around for prying eyes they opened the car trunk.

To my utter surprise they did not pull out drugs as I expected but two Blue sliding mats.

They were parked at the bottom of a hill less than a hundred yards from where there was a very steep Toboggan run. I had a perfect view of this toboggan run so I saw them climb up to the top of the toboggan run.

They put the mats down on the hard packed snow. Lying on their stomachs they gripped the edge of their mats and pushed off.

To say that toboggan run is bumpy is an understatement. It is a BUMPY RUN!

Well I watched as these two big men bounced painfully up and down up and down on the hard icy surface knocking the breath out of them as they flew down the hill at lightning speed and right out onto the ice of the lake.

They finally came to a stop and for what seemed like a very long time they did not move. I was getting a bit concerned for them and feeling sympathy, even some guilt for my rash judgement of their appearance and wicked intentions.

Finally they did begin to stir. They got up on their knees and struggled to stand up looking exhausted. I watched as they rolled up their mats. With heads bowed and shoulders hunched they trudged back to their car.

They threw the mats into the cars’ trunk, slammed the lid and climbed back into their seats before they drove away. I guess they’d had enough of reliving their fun loving days as kids on a Toboggan run.

Raymond Pierce is a Storyteller living in Toronto, Canada

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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