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Tribute of Love

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Okay, before you watch the music video (at the end of this prelude), I have to tell you the whole story behind it for you to appreciate the full extent of the enjoyment.

Several years ago my wife Kika and I bought a cute little house from my grandma. It needed a lot of remodeling so we went to work getting everything redone nice and modern. We had some things hired out, but did a lot ourselves too.

When it was nearing Christmas time, I had an idea to create a fun video as a Christmas present to express my love for Kika. I had to choose times to work on the video when she was not around, which took time away from my remodel work. Of course it never failed, she always seemed to call at the times I was either shooting or editing the video to ask how things were going with the remodeling. I would assure her everything was going well, but when she would get home not much had been done. She was getting a bit aggravated that I was so slow getting the work done.

The video was a full project.

Not only had I created the video itself and put it on DVD, but for fun I took the time to create a professional looking DVD sleeve cover and label for the DVD disk.

Well, Christmas time finally came. I had finished the video, wrapped it with a nice little Christmas bow, and was eager for her to open her gift on Christmas day. I had also purchased a gift that she was wanting, which was in a big wrapped box.

The kids were all excited to open their Christmas, but I asked if it would be okay if Mom opened one of her gifts first. The all agreed, and before I had a chance to give her the DVD gift, she was already going for the BIG gift with her name on it! I said “Wait, open this one first” handing her the small package. She said “No I want the big one” (She was a bigger kid than the kids!). Well, it took some coaxing to get her eyes off the big gift and assure her that the small one was worth opening first.

Now everyone’s curiosity was even greater!

She tore open the wrapping paper. She was a little perplexed at first, seeing a DVD with our photos on it. Looking like it had just been purchased from the store. As she and the kids were reading all the fun little text messages I had put on the cover, I was busy loading the video into the DVD player.

Now came the really FUN part. Watching the video, in its full splendor! A little more than half way through the video I noticed the kids were laughing and mom was crying. Once it ended, I got the BIGGEST Hug and Kiss from my wife while she was sobbing out “That’s the best Christmas present I have ever had!”

She finally understood why the remodeling took so long.

Since then there have been many times when we've had occasions to either watch the video again ourselves or show it to others who wanted to see it. We’ve watched it so many times over the years that the DVD finally gave up the ghost and quit working. Not to worry though, I had uploaded it to YouTube so we could easily watch it online.

The only problem is, I can never remember the link to the YouTube video. I’ve always had to search for it.

Just today I was thinking about it and realized, that’s what the Senior Citizen POST is all about. Sharing your stories, adventures and videos (among other things) for everyone, including family and friends, to enjoy forever!

So I took advantage of the perfect way for me to preserve our precious memory forever, where everyone can watch whenever they want.

I hope you enjoy this as much as we always do...

(Try to ignore the goofy guy on the screen. Remember, it's the thought that counts!)

Story and Video post by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


We'll let you know when there's a new article for you to enjoy!

46 views2 comments


Oct 15, 2021

Wonderful video David well done. Wishing you and Kika many happy years together.

Raymond Pierce Toronto


Oct 12, 2021

Wonderful video! Such a tribute of love!

I wish you both many, many happy years to come.

Awesome job, David. :)

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