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Work-Break Wedding Day

Updated: May 25, 2023

I have my small wedding story to tell.

My husband was catholic and I am Jewish, so we couldn’t have a religious wedding, so we decided to have it in city hall

My brother and his wife came from NYC to be witnesses, as well as my brother-in-law.

At that time, my husband and I both worked for the same company and only one of us could take time off. Since I had out of state visitors I took time off and he kept working.

On our wedding day, he asked permission to leave for an early lunch because he had something important to attend (No one knew about us living together or that we had a romantic relationship).

Our boss refused: “we cannot afford that, you know that Sarah is on vacation”

My husband: “but I must, I am getting married!”

Boss: “Ya, Sure!”, “You, a confirmed bachelor, getter married.“

Husband: “Yes, I am!”

Boss: “To whom-who is she?”

Husband: “You won’t believe me if I tell you.”

Boss: “Try me.”

Husband: “to Sarah.”

Boss: “No way!”

Husband: “I’ve got to go I am late.”

Boss: “Okay, I want to see the wedding ring when you be back.”

Husband: “promise!”

And he left, we got married and went back to work to show off his ring.

Needless to say that everyone was shocked.

Story by Sarah Chavez

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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34 views2 comments


Oct 14, 2021

A Great Story. Thank you for sharing it.

Raymond Pierce Toronto


Oct 14, 2021

Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

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