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$... A Little Bit Goes A Long Way!

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

I remember as a kid, when we would pull up to a gas station the attendant would come out and my dad would say “fill-er-up”.

The attendant would usually ask “can I check under the hood?" While the gas was pumping, he would wash the windows, check the oil and fluids and would sometimes check the air pressure in the tires.

I remember the gas sign: 25 cents per gallon!

I also remember my dad working while my mom was the homemaker. It didn’t take both parents working for our family to survive.

When my dad retired at age 63, I remember he received FULL retirement! There was no such thing as extended retirement at age 70.

Boy has life changed

Most retirees on a fixed income, along with those who are trying to scrape out a living, need to have a second job just to make ends meet.

I see retirees working all the time at places like Walmart & Lowes.

Seniors should be out enjoying their retirement years!

Instead of enjoying life, they’re forced to work just to make ends meet until they die.

I see young people serving tables at local restaurants late at night. They look completely worn out and I just know this is a second job for them just to put food on the table.

Times are getting tougher and budgets are getting tighter, and there seems to be no relief in the foreseeable future.

In most cases, just a little extra income would go a long way to help alleviate a tight budget. There are ways to pick up some extra income such as work-from-home opportunities and affiliate marketing, but these can end up being just as time consuming and stressful as a full-time job.

The Good News

If you are looking for something simple to bring in some extra income, you could consider a side hustle. A side hustle is a means of making money alongside one's main form of employment or income. In today’s volatile economy, a side hustle is a great way to earn some extra cash and help stretch your budget.

Even if it’s only an extra $100 a month, a side hustle can add to your financial security by increasing your income.

Here are a few side hustles to consider

Simple Income. Post social media invites (my personal favorite).

Pros: Easy set up & operation. Residual income. Pays weekly.

Cons: None.

Go to Website: Simple Income

Fancy Hands. Provide digital personal assistant services.

Pros: Pays Weekly.

Cons: Some tasks are not worth the pay.

Go to Website: Fancy Hands

Survey Junkie. Perform online surveys for various products, systems and topics.

Pros: Flexible work.

Cons: Reviewing and applying for each survey can be time consuming.

Go to Website: Survey Junkie

Story by Graham Mesk

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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