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A Younger, More Vibrant You!

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Let's talk about feeling young again, with an amazingly simple, inexpensive, applied and proven way to regain Mental Clarity, Energy and even Healthier Skin & Hair!

Disclaimer: Always consult with your physician before making decisions regarding your diet or health.

Several months ago I published an article titled "Brain Food", which I had written several years back. Since the time of that writing a lot has happened with process applications and results that have pushed the boundaries beyond just Brain Food.

The effects are so astounding, I felt it was worthy of publishing this new information to keep everyone in the loop for a better lifestyle!

Aging plays havoc on all of us. Fortunately there are some things you can regain with a simple daily habit.


My wife has studied natural holistic health for many years. We live a healthy lifestyle and have been blessed because of it. But, no matter how healthy you are, aging still happens! Your body continues to decline in things like mental sharpness, energy and healthy skin & hair.

A few years ago we learned about coconut oil and the plethora of amazing health boosters it contains. Simply saying that coconut oil is a health game-changer would be a huge understatement. The benefits of the right type of coconut oil can literally make you feel young again by boosting and restoring mental clarity and energy, and can even improve dry skin and hair properties.

When we first put this into practice, the first thing we noticed was an immediate change in our mental sharpness and focus. Do you ever have those days when you seem to have brain fog? You just can't seem to focus with clarity. Since we started a daily routine of taking coconut oil, those brain fog days are gone! What an awesome feeling it is to experience razor sharp thinking again!

Since then we took it a step further by introducing this concept to the senior residents at our senior care facility. They ALL experienced the same mental sharpness effects, immediately. We've noticed when we don't take it, our mental state goes back to where it was, but when taking it again, our mental sharpness comes right back. The other thing we've noticed is, when taking the coconut oil regularly over time, we have more daily energy, and when applied to skin & hair it has ultra-positive lasting moisturizing effects.

This coconut oil taking routine has had more positive results in mental clarity than any other health discovery we've encountered. It has literally brought back our youth in the areas I mentioned! In fact, coconut oil is chock full of so many healing properties, I'm sure there are tons of other positive results that we haven’t even realized yet.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, which are metabolized differently than the types of saturated fats you find in dairy and conventional meats. The MCTs in coconut oil break down into ketones, which are used by brain cells for fuel.

Amazingly simple and inexpensive:

Here's all you have to do:

Take a tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day. Once every morning (Preferably before breakfast), and again every evening (Preferably before dinner). Yep, that’s all you need to get the same positive mental results we have experienced!

Here's the Key:

THIS IS IMPORTANT. The key is to get the right type of coconut oil.

All coconut oil is not the same. Conventional coconut oil is extensively processed (including the use of chemicals), so be sure to check the label.

Beware of “hydrogenated” oil. Hydrogenating oil of any kind creates “trans fats” that wreak havoc on your whole body, including your brain.

The recommended coconut oil is "Organic, Unrefined, Cold-Pressed, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil" which is expelled out at cooler temperatures, without the use of solvents. This process preserves the antioxidant polyphenols (antioxidant compounds found in plant food sources).

You can even use this type of oil to replace other oils in your meals, and for cooking and baking, to help keep you living a healthier lifestyle. And, it can be applied to your skin & hair for long lasting skin, scalp and hair moisturizing.

There are several brands that meet the recommended criteria. You can usually find them at your local health food store. A 16 oz jar will last an entire month for a single person's oral intake, for only about $7.

Whether you get it at your local store or online, at only $7 it's a major life-altering bargain for a Younger, More Vibrant You!


On another note:

It's really sad that the FDA is not allowed to study the effects on natural holistic foods and substances for healing. Tons of independent studies have been done but they are not allowed to label their findings. The pharmaceutical industry is doing all they can to refute natural remedies. For any holistic whole foods you read about that have natural healing qualities, the pharmaceutical industry will release tons of anonymous reports to refute it. They don't want you to know about them and don't want you to believe them. These age old remedies, that have worked healing miracles for centuries, tap into the pharmaceutical industry's multi-billion dollar revenues. Their prescription medicines provide a quick and easy mask for health problems. The down side is that they don't cure the underlying problems, and usually result in other problems down the road - which they can provide even more medicines for. This is big business for them and they don't want anything to get in the way.

Story by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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