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Brain Food!

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Here’s a little secret to kick start your brain power!…

Disclaimer: Always consult with your physician before making decisions regarding your diet or health.


Feeling a little unfocused? Having dull brain moments? Got brain fog going on?

It's time to tell your brain problems to TAKE A HIKE! Here’s a little secret that’ll kick start those noggin cells and sharpen your brain power!…

Take a spoonful of coconut oil every day. Yep, that’s all you need to get your head back in focus.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, which are metabolized differently than the types of saturated fats you find in dairy and conventional meats. The MCTs in coconut oil break down into ketones, which can be used by brain cells for fuel.


All coconut oil is not the same. Conventional coconut oil is extensively processed (including the use of chemicals), so be sure to check the label.

Beware of “hydrogenated” coconut oil. Hydrogenating oil of any kind creates “trans fats” that wreak havoc on your whole body, including your brain.

The recommended coconut oil is "Organic, Unrefined, Cold-Pressed, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil" which is expelled out at cooler temperatures, without the use of solvents. This process preserves the antioxidant polyphenols (antioxidant compounds found in plant food sources).

You could just eat it with a spoon right out of the jar if you wanted, but you don’t need to. You can use it to replace other oils in your meals, and for cooking and baking.

There are several brands that meet the recommended criteria. You can usually find them at your local health food store.

Story by David Quinton

A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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