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Janice Freeman's Whale Watching Adventure

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

I have always found whales and other beings very fascinating. When I visited Kaikoura in New Zealand, I was excited to learn about the whale watching scenic flight experience. It was completely worth it, as we followed migrating spem whales and saw them from a bird’s eye view.

The experience of seeing such a huge mammal in its natural habitat as if you were a fly on the wall is something that can only be felt.

During the flight journey, I saw other marine animals like rays and dolphins. And I saw many dolphin pods. Undoubtedly, this has been one of the coolest things I have done in New Zealand.

What an AMAZING experience! Even though my experience was done in the summer, the best time is in the winter season, which for new Zealand is between the months of June and August. I absolutely went home with the most amazing adventure travel story to share with friends after this experience!

Story by Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US! Member (anonymous)


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