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Road Trippin Through the Grand Tetons & Yellowstone National Park

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

I have to say I’m one Lucy lady! Since I found and married my best friend and soulmate my life has done a 180 degree turn.

I have had more opportunities to see more of Gods wonderful country then I ever could have possibly dreamed of. This adventure was no different than the others.

I have had more opportunities to see more of Gods wonderful country then I ever could have possibly dreamed of. This adventure was no different than the others.

We arrived in Driggs, Idaho on Thursday 30-September-2021. We got a good night’s rest and we were up and ready to hit the road for a full day of adventure. And wow it was packed with everything! Pictures, pictures, and more, pictures.

The Tetons are a marvelous wonder!, and have made spectacular backdrops in some of my pictures. We got close, perhaps too close, to a herd of elk and ended up kind of stuck on a hot pot walkway as the bull moved the herd through and around us. Exciting and scary!Made for great pictures :)

After a super long day of walking and photo taking we headed back to our hotel to get some much needed sleep.

Saturday, we were back up and on the road. We drove through the places we had seen yesterday to get into Yellowstone National Park. We knew we would not see the whole park in one day but just a corner part of it.

Nature was before us in all of its glory. We stopped at several spots along our route to see geothermal spots, more elk and bison. Again close but Seth the jeep between us and them…

Saturday was a long but beautiful drive through so much of God’s country. Areas of burned and dead trees with smaller trees growing up to take their place. Death and renewal at God’s pace, not ours.

We hated our time to end at Yellowstone although it was late, dark and a long journey ahead of us towards home. By the time we made it to Island Park, Idaho it was already pitch black. And from then on all we saw was complete darkness.

As I really tried hard to stay awake to keep my husband company, but my eyelids drew way to heavy. Everyone knows it is not easy sleeping in a car, well not for me as I have a rod going up my spine and in car makes it very uncomfortable.

Well we walked into our home at 1:00 am Sunday morning, by the time we unloaded we crawled into bed 2:00 am.

All in all I wouldn’t change a thing I love “Our Road Trippin Adventures

Please do not copy or share my pictures they are copyrighted and owned by myself. Girl Behind the Lens

Story by Pamela Hendricks


A member of Senior Citizen Friendship Group <<JOIN US!


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