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Mitch Davis' 2021 Cruise Adventure

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

We returned yesterday from our cruise and it was awesome!

Cruising at the beginning of the pandemic comeback has its benefits. Our ship had a passenger capacity of around 3600. On our cruise the passenger count was around 2000. What a difference that made on board! Never a line of more than 3 people at the buffet line on the Lido deck. Open lounge chairs on all decks. The dining room was no more than half full at any time. The cruise was at full staff as far as workers go and we were waited on hand and foot. This was only the second month back in operation and the staff were very excited to be back on board and working and it showed.

This was a family cruise and we took our single son and married daughter, husband and granddaughter on this trip.

Our two year old granddaughter had a great time. She was one of the youngest and one of the very few children on board. The staff treated her like a princess and she loved every minute!

The only signs of pandemic effects on the cruise were having to wear a mask upon embarkation and debarkation, having to wear a mask at both port cities (Progresso and Cozumel) due to local and national rules. Unvaccinated cruisers had to stay on board in the ports or take a "bubble" tour from Carnival. Our two year old granddaughter stayed on board with one parent. All things on the ship were normal. No mask needed for vaccinated cruisers (which was at least 95% of us). All normal shows, comic shows, bingo, etc. The only thing not running on board was Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat for the little kids.

I was able to have coffee at one of my favorite spots as I noted in the blog "Coffee". Up on deck 10 or 11 looking off the back of the ships in early morning. Glorious!! Savored even more after this last couple of years.

My wife and I went way out of our comfort zone on this cruise.

This is our 8th or 9th cruise and I never want to volunteer for any contest that will get me on stage or out in front of a crowd. Before this cruise started my wife had made the comment that she was going to do whatever and have a great time no matter who was watching. She stated she has a changed attitude, since her cancer diagnosis, and she said she doesn't care what other people think anymore.

On our first full day of the cruise, we were out on the Lido deck when a contest was announced for 20 contestants to compete as the cruise Mixologist for coming up with the best drink. My wife signed up so my son-in-law would sign up and at the last second I joined in. My wife and I have no idea on how to mix up alcoholic drinks. The 20 contestants were given a sheet to pick our ingredients and to name our drink. I circled 3 alcohols and 3 juices. I have never made this and I had no clue as to what it would taste like. My wife named her drink "Nana's Surprise" mine was "Mitch's Brew". The host was going to select 4 of us to compete in the fun. I sat down and heard my wife's name get called and then right after, I got called. "Cool", I thought, "this could be fun".

We go up to the front of the Lido deck crowd and the cruise director announces not only will our drink be judged, but also our dancing. My brain was saying "Hey, wait a minute!". We all 4 danced a little in place while the DJ played music and I thought this wasn't too bad. Then the cruise director calls me out, puts me in the middle of the deck, hands me a glass and says "Now you have to shake it like you mean it" or something to that affect. I couldn't quit now!

The DJ hit the music and I shook that make believe drink like you wouldn't believe, up and down, side to side, behind my back, between my legs. Finally, it was over and the next 3, including my wife, had to do the same thing. Then one by one they made our drink and let the 3 judges taste them and judge them. My drink concoction got three "5's", my dancing not so much. At the end of the contest I won, my wife was runner up and the last place got "1's" because his drink looked like green sewer water and must have tasted just as bad!

For the rest of the cruise "Mitch's Brew" was available at the Lido deck bars! My wife and I had never done anything like this, but we had a blast! It's always good to get out of that comfort zone and experience something knew.

Story by Mitch Davis

Reprint permissions by Geezer Bill


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